Top 10 SEO Trends To Drive Website Traffic In 2021

seo trends to drive website traffic digifuels

No matter how many paid ads you run, the success of your website will always depend on how much organic traffic you get. But how exactly can you rank higher on search engines amidst your competition which could be thousands? This is achievable with Search Engine Optimization (SEO), an important aspect of Digital Marketing involving practices to rank a page higher on SERPs. 

The common misconception about SEO is that it is an “easy” one-time practice, which is most definitely not the case. SEO is a continuous practice to counter the regular algorithm updates provided by Google. 

We list 10 modern SEO trends helpful in driving consistent website traffic for a long-term period.

  1. The Importance of User Interface
    It’s no secret to figure out that if your website is not easy to explore then users are sure to end their session. A well-categorized, easy-to explore & fast website is necessary for a website to rank higher on SERPs.
  2. Mobile-Friendly is SEO friendly
    According to Google, 63% of google search traffic comes from mobile phone devices and this number is sure to go up in coming years and that’s why Google keeps releasing updates preferring websites that are mobile-friendly on top of their pages.
  3. Content is King
    Original content is the crucial part of a website is not only quality & but quantity as well. Websites lacking content quantity get qualified as “thin content” by Google. Unique and plagiarized-free content is sure to boost your website’s ranking on SERPs.

  4. Backlinks have got your back
    Backlinks qualified as inbound or outbound are links that jump from one website to another. Google algorithm considers high-quality backlinks as a major factor for ranking higher on SERPs.

  5. Understand user intent with keyword research
    Short-Tail keywords are important in relation to your business, but by identifying long-tail keywords for your website content, you are sure to drive up your organic traffic. Google Search Console is your ultimate ally for your keyword research.

  6. Target Featured Snippets
    Referred as “position zero” it is factual information related to long-tail searches previewed right at the very top on SERPs. Google introduced this feature in 2014 and this information is taken from the top 10 results on search pages. By identifying long-tail keywords you can write content that is likely to be featured as a snippet by Google.

  7. The Rise of Artificial Intelligence
    Artificial Intelligence is the giant step towards the progress of the digital age. Google itself brings AI into play to deliver the searchers the results they desire. AI-based solutions could be the future biggest SEO trend to practice. Companies like Hubspot help provide AI-based practices for your SEO efforts.

  8. Optimize your Images
    Images on your website must be compressed and uploaded in proper formats like PNG & JPEG otherwise it could affect your website’s performance and make it tough for search engines to crawl your website.

  9. Bring Voice-Search into play
    “Hey Alexa..”, “Hey Siri” Do you know that over 20% of google search queries are done via voice search? And why not, voice search is much easier to know what exactly your customer is searching for.

  10. Video Marketing
    Let’s be honest if people are looking for a solution they prefer to watch it on youtube rather than read. Videos have a higher rate of keeping your customers engaged and are likely to be shared more. A high-quality video could be the key for you to create quality backlinks in general.

So, these were all the trendy SEO practices that could help boost your website traffic. SEO takes time and more importantly, SEO takes patience and out-of-the-box thinking. Digifuels consists of a team with highly experienced SEO professionals assured to grant you results for SERPs rankings!
